Organic beef sticks with lots of protein and up to 36.1% margin for fitness studios*

*For a shopping cart value of €500 or more, you will automatically receive an extra 8% discount at checkout | Allows a total discount of up to 36.1% compared to the individual RRP of €2.69 | Discount cannot be combined with other promotions | only while stocks last | no cash payment or subsequent settlement

  • Kraftkaue, Herten (DE)

    Domi and his team offer a holistic concept of physiotherapy and gym that specifically promotes health and fitness. Whether for complaints or for prevention: with high-quality equipment and in-depth know-how, they support everyone individually and sustainably.

  • Powerfitness, Natternbach (AT)

    Gabriel hilft mit seinem Programm Powerfitness Kunden mit nur 2 Stunden Zeitinvest pro Woche ihren Traumkörper zu erreichen – ganz ohne Verbote, Diäten oder Jojo-Effekt! Sein Programm funktioniert online und damit von überall.

  • Jannik Czapla, Vize_Weltmeister Hyrox (DE)

    Jannik Czapla ist Hyrox-Vizeweltmeister (U24) in 2022/2023 und im Pro Double 2023/2024. Mit einer Bestzeit von 56:27 Minuten im Hyrox Pro gehört er zur Elite. Für Höchstleistungen setzt Jannik auf natürliche Snacks wie Bio Beef Sticks, die ihm den nötigen Energie-Boost liefern.

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High protein organic beef sticks! Perfect after a workout.

  • Lecker & haltbar

    Long-lasting tasty

    Our organic beef sticks have a shelf life of at least 3 months. Taste guarantee* included.

  • 31% Protein ohne Schnickschnack

    Pure power

    Our organic beef sticks give you 31% protein. Guaranteed no bullshit, free from allergens, gluten (naturally) and sugar.

  • Bio zertifziert

    Organic certified

    Our beef sticks are organic certified and are made in beautiful Bavaria from organic beef (DE) and only with natural organic ingredients (EU).

  • Schnelle Lieferung

    Quickly with you

    Your order will usually be dispatched the next working day. You can take a bite out of it 1-2 days later.

customer testimonials