
Here you will find news from the Whacky world, information about our products, the benefits of our PWR snacks in nutrition, and all other topics that could be of interest to you.

Healthspan optimieren: Warum Muskelmasse in den 40ern, 50ern und darüber hinaus entscheidend ist

Optimize Healthspan: Why Muscle Mass Is Crucial...

Imagine you live to be 90 years old, but you spend the last 20 years with limited mobility and chronic illnesses. Doesn't sound desirable, does it? This is where the...

Bio Beef Sticks – Hochwertiger Genuss aus Deutschland

Organic Beef Sticks – High-quality enjoyment fr...

Organic cuisine is all about quality, transparency and the good feeling of knowing exactly what you are eating. With Organic Beef Sticks, made from certified organic beef from Germany, you...

Proteine sind nicht gleich Proteine: Warum das Aminosäureprofil entscheidend ist

Proteins are not all the same: Why the amino ac...

Proteins are considered an essential component of our diet, especially for building muscle, regeneration and numerous physical functions. But not all proteins are created equal. A decisive factor is the...

Clean Eating: Was es ist, wie du startest und wie es leicht in deinen Alltag passt

Clean Eating: What it is, how to start and how ...

The term "clean eating" sounds like a big trend, but it's actually a simple idea: it's about eating natural, unprocessed foods that are good for your body. The focus is...

Wie du deinen Eiweiß-Hunger stillst – ohne ständig Proteinshakes oder Riegel zu futtern!

How to satisfy your protein hunger – without co...

Im Alltag den Ernährungsplan auf Kurs zu halten, ist manchmal so schwierig wie der Versuch, eine Katze zu baden – besonders, wenn Stress die Regie übernimmt. Aber keine Sorge, es...

Neues Jahr, neue Gewohnheiten – mit kleinen Schritten zum Erfolg

New year, new habits – small steps to success

The key to sustainable change? Small, doable habits that are easy to integrate into your everyday life. Here are the most important tips from James Clear's bestseller Atomic Habits that...

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