
Here you will find news from the Whacky world, information about our products, the benefits of our PWR snacks in nutrition, and all other topics that could be of interest to you.

Fermentation anstatt Nitritpökelsalz

Fermentation instead of nitrite curing salt

Nitrite curing salt is a commonly used preservative in the food industry, especially for meat and sausage products. It offers numerous benefits, but is not without controversy as it poses...

Der Ultimative Leitfaden zum Erdnussanbau: Globale Produktion, Sorten und Klimaauswirkungen

The Ultimate Guide to Peanut Farming: Global Pr...

Where are peanuts grown? Peanuts are grown worldwide, with production on every continent except Antarctica. In Europe, cultivation is limited, but present in countries such as Spain and Greece. In...

Erdnüsse in der Weltraumernährung

Peanuts in space nutrition

The nutrition of astronauts in space is crucial to ensure their health, performance and well-being during long space missions.

Erdnüsse & Diabetes: Ein Leckerbissen für deine Gesundheit

Peanuts and Diabetes: A treat for your health

Peanuts are a delicious and nutritious snack that can be particularly beneficial for people with diabetes. They are a good source of plant-based protein, healthy fats and minerals and have...

Gemeinsam essen tut uns gut!

Eating together is good for us!

It tastes better together and that's good for us! Our boiled peanuts are made for sharing and experimenting with. They're also the perfect reason to talk and discuss about them.

Erdnüsse: Smartes Brain Food

Peanuts: Smart Brain Food

Food affects our physical functions and well-being. Some foods, such as peanuts, peanut butter and boiled peanuts, offer significant health benefits. They are rich in nutrients and provide numerous health...

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